Should I invite my in-laws FRIENDS for Thanksgiving dinner and be required to leave food out for HOURS?

My in laws always have Thanksgiving dinner at their house. In the past year, I mentioned that I wanted this holday at our house because my daughter's birthday is the day before, my husband's is the day of and my mother's is 2 days later. I thought it would be nice to have Thanksgiving and all 3 birthdays together. I offered to invite all the FAMILY that my inlaws usually have at their house for the holiday. They demanded that I invite their FRIENDS also and leave the food out for over 6 hours so people can graze all day. I don't want to have my in-laws' friends over ( I am including the drunk uncle and annoying cousins) and I think leaving turkey and the other food out for 6+hours is unhealthy!!
By Tebaa 16 years ago :: Marriage
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