help ? What steps do i need to take ?

This is my old question below, i left out alot of details. Can someone try and explain why he would be the way he is though ? He constantly tells me he loves me, many times a day, without me needing to say it first or having to do anything for him ? His father isn't much of a fatherly figure, for example - i got to meet his mother for about 5 minutes untill his dad came out of the house screaming because she was parked on the other side of the street and he didn't like it i guess (they are going through a custody battle).

I'd also like to say i'm not some stupid teen that has no idea what i'm in for, my mother is a very strong woman who is always there for me, helping me. I think the reason i stick around with him is because me and my father have a really bad and unloving relationship, i'm constantly neglected by him, so i've always fallen victim for a man that would accept me.

"Well, i'm only 16 and me and my boyfriend have been together for about 10 months. I don't live with him, i still live with my mother at home. Our entire relationship has been made up of fighting, not resolving, and pretending that everything is fine. He has only ever taken me out once, and has ever only bough me either smokes, or just fast food. He has left me twice for no real reason, he threatens any guy that looks or speaks to me, doesn't let me be with my friends, has threatened to leave me if i were to hang around them, he has hit me, and actually punched a hole in my mothers wall. He doesn't have a job, he has anger problems and has recently been put on anti depressants *sigh* which has been very stressful because he thinks i am the person that has to help him, and fix him. Basically he is selfish and completely careless for my needs. But now, i am pregnant with a baby boy, so i can't cut him out of my life anymore. I'm extremely tired of waiting for him to change, and i wonder if he even will ?
Basically, does anyone think he is worth the trouble or should i just get out while i can ?"
By bronxboo 15 years ago :: Dating
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