Am I an arsehole if I answer the question 'am I hotter' honestly?

Here is the situation, I was at the gym with my gf earlier and she picked up a broucher for the yoga studio...on the front was a picture of the owner all air brushed an posing.

My gf said ''she's not hot enough to be on this' to which I replied "come on babe...she is kinda hot" then she asked me if she has a better body than her...

The problem is my gf has a great body and I think she is stunning! So I said "you way hotter bubs" then she kept going on about how this lady had a better body and did I really think she did and then she started getting the shits so I said 'well yea her body is really good and I guess it's better than yours...just like the male models on the mend health cover are hotter than me...who cares"

then she started to cry and cry and cry told me she is upset because she thought I thought she was the hottest girl in the world... Which I keep telling her I do! And I really do!!! But she is still upset

Am I in the wrong here?
By mrclean 15 years ago :: Dating
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