Should my roommate pay full rent?

This past semester in school, me and 3 other guys got a 3 bedroom apartment together with a 9 month lease. Another one of my friends had basic training over the summer and found out that he didn't get accepted to the college he wanted to go to. So his mom applied for him to a local college right next to where our apartment is while my friend was at basic training. His mom asked me if there was a chance he could stay with us at our apartment so he didn't have to drive an hour back and forth to school. Being a poor college guy, I thought it would be a good idea because with an extra person, we wouldn't have to pay as much in rent. So my friend ended up staying with us for the school year, however he wasn't on the lease because he didn't get back from basic training until right before school started. Now, the rules on our lease are if one of the roommates decides to break the 9 month lease, they have to pay full rent for the rest of the lease. So my roommate who was in basic training and who is not on the lease decided to move out now because he wants to live with his girlfriend. This kind of made all of us roommates mad because now we have to pay more. We pay our rent for the upcoming month, and my roommate just moved out yesterday. So I made sure he had all his money paid off for what he owed me for rent before he left, and he tells me that he's only paying half of decembers rent. I think to myself, if he had been on the lease, he would be paying full rent even if he moved out. And also, If we decide to move out halfway into our 9th month, we aren't going to be able to pay half of the months rent, we would have to pay in full. So I think that my roommate should have to pay his full share of the rent for december, not half. I gave up having a room by myself so he could live with us and not drive back and forth. Am I right in saying that he should pay the full months rent???
By chz65 15 years ago :: Roommates
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