Who likes Wild Morel mushrooms?
The rain stopped today so hubbie and I went out to the woods to go mushroom hunting. I found the most, the largest one 6 inches tall. He usually always finds more than I do but today I had an eye for them I guess. I've seen pictures of them as large as 14 inches tall but 6 inches is the largest I've ever found. We found gray and yellow ones. We had such fun and when I found them in bunches of 4 and 5 I was thrilled. lol.Hubbie said he wished he'd had a camera because the look on my face was pure happiness. I really love these mushrooms and look forward each Spring to going out and finding them. I made sirloin steak on the grill and after a good thorough cleaning and soak I fried those mushrooms up. Boy it was a great supper. Hubbie did the clean up tonight. YAY. :-)) We had a wonderful day. I hope everyone else did as well. I don't know where Morel mushrooms grow beside the Midwest? Does anyone know?