Is it okay for him to go see his daughter without me?

Okay so my boyfriend and I have been having a lot of issues lately that we have been trying to work thru. Well he just threw a fastball in the scenario. He had our mutual girlfriend come talk to me about an important situation that he himself should have done. Anyways I found out that his ex baby's mother is willing to pay for him to have a flight to NH from IL. He wants to go, and he wants to go without me. He hasn't seen his daughter for 4 yrs. I understand that he wants to reconnect, but he also told me previously before all this happened that he wanted me to come. I feel like that this isn't just revolving around his daughter, and I really don't appreciate the fact that he tells me one thing than another.
By xogroverxo87 15 years ago :: Parent/Child
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