will he call me after our first date? AND how do i answer his questions?

ok i met this guy on eharmony and we talked for 2 weeks, almost every night. we are in our 40's and both looking for marriage. he asks a lot of serious questions. my first question for you is this: we had dinner friday night, it's now sunday. we talked for 3 hours during dinner. afterwards i hugged him and he said would i like to get together again, i said yes, he said me too, he'll call. it's sunday night and he hasnt called. i think he was interested because otherwise, why would we talk for 3 hours at dinner? he would just have a quick meal, small talk, and leave right? so how do i interpret him not calling yet? he is busy, too. other question is...he asks very specific questions like why did i get divorced and stuff like that, and i think you should wait a while before asking very personal questions. i feel put on the spot and like he is evaluating me. i dont ask him questions that are personal like that. i am very interested, he seems like a great match for me. advice?
By havefaithone 16 years ago :: Dating
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