Parent/Child Questions
- How should parents be with their children - as a friend, as a parent, or as a guide? 35 | asked 16 years ago
- I love my boyfriend but he has a daughter 12 | asked 16 years ago
- is it okay for a stepfather to text 16 old stepdaughter & keep little things from his wife 5 | asked 16 years ago
- Should I take him to court for supervised visits and child support? 0 | asked 16 years ago
- Should I keep them involved or move on without them? 11 | asked 16 years ago
- Am I wrong for leaving a message on my son's girlfriends cell phone tell her not to hurt him physically. 13 | asked 16 years ago
- Do you think I was wrong in the choice I made? 3 | asked 16 years ago
- when is it ok to sleep in the same room as bf when 12 yr old is around... 8 | asked 16 years ago
- Should I ignor my grown son's request for help? 3 | asked 16 years ago
- when should your boy friend give you equal or close to equal importance as his 9 year old son ? 9 | asked 16 years ago
- my wife is cheating and we have 2 small children 4 | asked 16 years ago
- Should I go to Passover dinner to appease my mother? 6 | asked 16 years ago
- my parents will never change.. should i move out? 7 | asked 16 years ago
- Me and my son's father are not married and have a had an on again, off again relationship from the start, anyw 0 | asked 16 years ago
- 16 yo daughter living with 15 yo bf been in trouble with police, cant get her away from that way of life 9 | asked 16 years ago
- Drugs or what? Out of charter 17 year old for days high on life for days after down so low... 7 | asked 16 years ago
- should i send my child to a small vilage school where ratio of teachers is 1:9 or to a larger, mixed school? 3 | asked 16 years ago
- my partner doesnt pay any bills etc, he only goes to the shop when he has his son and we have to dfo what ever 2 | asked 16 years ago
- my partner doesnt pay any bills etc, he only goes to the shop when he has his son and we have to dfo what ever 0 | asked 16 years ago
- How often should a father see his children,when you're engaged to be married & planning your future together? 4 | asked 16 years ago