Gas money between friends

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Side 1 says... My friend and I are college grad students. He has a car, although he hardly ever drives it. I think I have been in it once before. I do not have a car. During the summer he proposed that we drive out of town for a weekend event so we did that. We each paid for our event tickets and accommodation. It was a pretty far drive over 4 hours there and back. When he purchased gas I asked how much it cost and gave him half each time- maybe a few dollars more by rounding up to make it come out to even 20$ or 10$ bills.

I had no idea that I did anything wrong, but when we arrived back in our city he drove directly to his place - not to drop me off - and he was acting miffed. He parked his car at his place and said "see you later" without offering to drive me home. According to Google maps it is a 20 minute drive from his place to mine, although if he had driven to my place first on the highway it would have been a bit quicker.
Many months later I saw him at a party and we were chatting and he made a comment to me like "Let's face it, you are a cheap guy".
I was really unhappy to be insulted like that and found his behaviour very wierd. Was I wrong? Is there some unwritten rule that if someone drives you, you must pay for the entire gas costs?
Added by Saalorman (male)
Side 2 says... I am a college grad student. I always had a car in high school and ungrad. I found many friends who did not have cars would take advantage of this and have me drive them places and as a student this costs me a lot. So I am sensitive to this and do not take my car out often.

If I drive on a weekend trip it is only fair that the person I drive should pay for the gas (100%). I have the costs of the car that I have to pay such as insurance . In this case, my friend assumed paying half of gas costs was sufficient but it is not because of all the other costs I bear as a car owner and driver.

My friend is a cheapskate. Since he did not offer and pay all the gas costs, he should not expect me to drive him home after the trip. He can take the bus.

Later when I called him cheap I was stating a fact in a friendly way. It was not meant as an insult. He is cheap so I said it. He can dish it out but he can't take it when other people like me tell him the truth about him
Added by Chachi (male)
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