He Is Sabotaging My NEW Relationship

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Side 1 says... My ex-boyfriend can't get over the fact that I moved on with Chris. He is doing everything in his power to try and tear us apart because in some sick way he thinks he can win me back.

It's not just the phone calls, text messages, emails...it's that he tells everyone I am bad and I cheated. Basically everyone we knew together since we had the same friends are starting to believe I'm the bad guy because of all the stuff he is saying.

I broke up with him because of the way he treated me. Chris treats me waaaay better and our whole thing start a month after my ex and I. Tell him to get over it and leave me alone.
Added by ObamaLVR (female)
Side 2 says... i still luv her and i want to be with her. i understand my mistakes and i know how to fix them. i'm worried if i leave her alone she'll forget about me and get closer to that idiot she's dating. i don't wanna move on because i know we were meant for each other. we dated for 3 years and this guy is just new to her. that's the only reason she likes it so much. nevermind 3 years they won't even last 3 months! and i didn't spread any lies cos you were talking to him near the end of our dating. please give me another chance. just 1 date. just to see what happens.
Added by UBrokeMe (male)
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