Should I Try Swinging
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Side 1 says...
We have been happily married for 25 years. Life has become a little boring especially sex. we don't have sex as often as we used to and is not in any way adventurous. When I married I was a virgin, I don't want to cheat on my wife . I have always had the fantasy of watching my wife have sex with others and I would also like to experience an other woman. I have suggested we try soft swinging to spice up our life and to fulfill a fantasy. my wife says no she doesn't want anyone else but me. what should i do?
Added by Sean49 (male)
Side 2 says...
i think if he wants to have sex with other people he should leave and do that if he loves me he will want sex only with me. he wants his cake and eat it. it is cheating with your partners permission and without the guilt or risk. Am i not enough for him, this makes me feel inadequate. And worries me as he is looking for sex with other women. If i say yes I would feel dirty and used, if I say no he will have an affair anyway because ultimately he does want sex with other women.
Added by Anne45 (female)
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