Marriage Sides
Flirting With My Brother
Admittedly my wife is now flirting with my unmarried brother. He's better looking, makes about $10k more than I do,...
32 | 5 -
Super Bowl Party Without My Friends
My husband is a Ravens fan and he's one of those guys who thinks he's on the field playing. He's...
15 | 16 -
Steak Size
Everyday my husband thinks because he's bigger he deserves more of our food. Most of the time this is fine...
18 | 9 -
Sexual Expectations
My husband and I have been together for over 8 years. We have some kind of sex at least 3-4 times...
40 | 17 -
Adjusting Himself In Public
I'm sorry if this won't be a long story but it's a simple and annoying problem that my hubby just...
24 | 12 -
Guns In Our House
I've been asking my husband to remove all guns from our house for a while now and he's ignored me...
16 | 28 -
Holiday Drinking
My husband tends to drink more during the holidays. Everyone sees it but him. He doesn't do it except on...
13 | 13 -
It's That Time Of Year Again
I never seem to get any attention from my hubbie in the fall and winter. He's a crazy superfan of...
6 | 6 -
Funny Mirror Manipulator
My husband was upset I had gained weight after our first child. He wasn't overly mean about it but he...
20 | 12 -
I Will Eat What I Want To Eat
My wife has put me on a strict diet because the doctor says I am an at risk candidate for...
17 | 7 -
Wedding: Invite Her Or Not
My future husband's boss is really into him. You can tell anytime I go into the office she gives me...
15 | 6 -
Hubby Caught Red-Handed!
I caught my husband browsing a gallery of a single woman half his age. She looked to be around 24. She...
22 | 12 -
Aaaaaaand Go.....
My athiestic tendency to question things has gotten me in trouble again. So I'm watching National Treasure: Book Of
14 | 6 -
Sister In Brothers Wedding...
My brother and I are 5 years apart. We have always been close as it is just us 2 kids. He is...
17 | 26 -
Two Pieces Of Cake
I got ridiculed for eating a second piece of a delicious cake I never get unless on vacation. My husband...
10 | 7 -
Stuck In The 50s & Dinner At 6
He grew up there and he's stayed there while everyone else has moved on . He still believes in a lot...
11 | 27 -
The "To Me" Argument!
My wife and I were just driving to the grocery store when we sparked up a conversation on looks. She...
17 | 14 -
Affair Right Or Wrong
The wife had an affair year ago which resulted in a baby. We stayed together, have 4 kids, two houses. She...
23 | 16 -
Her Drinking Buddies
We recently got married (second for both of us) and my wife started a new job. All her new co-workers...
12 | 8 -
My Food Is Our Food. Her Food Is Her Food.
I'm gonna write this out because she will never get it if I don't. And it is really simple. She...
15 | 8