Marriage Sides
How Important Is Religon?
Well next week I am going to marry my amazing boyfriend. We have been dating for over a year and...
196 | 68 -
Is Hands-Only A Replacement?
We have been married for 33 years and we have 3 grown children. We were high school sweethearts and we have only...
281 | 71 -
New Wife And Baby Daddy
I found out 8 mouths ago that my wife of 10 months is pregnant! I am THRILLED! Yes soon but thrilled! But...
174 | 57 -
The New Car
My husband won't let me drive his new car for my birthday weekend. I'm a middle aged, conservative Mom going...
142 | 48 -
Crying In Silence
we were maried a year i loved him still do but angry still. His niece asked him if he loved...
163 | 49 -
Name Change
I'm getting married next year. I have a hyphnite last name, both from my father's parents. My fiancee doesn't want...
180 | 54 -
To Move Or Not To Move
Born and raised in Chicago all our lives my husband now wants to move to Florida or Georgia. We've been...
100 | 41 -
Violation Of Privacy
I have been in a relationship with my wife for (3) years now... On several instance my wife has displayed a...
179 | 55 -
He Says He Wasn't Doing Anything Wrong??????
Last month while paying my husband's cell phone bill, I noticed that he was way over his allotted minute usage....
238 | 68 -
Marriage Sex???
I want to have sex with my wife at least every other day or 3 times a week. I also want...
280 | 73 -
How Late Is Too Late?
My husband and I have been married 13 1/2 years. We have two daughters, 10 and 12, and basically, a good marraige. But
174 | 52 -
Sandals In Public
My husband of just over a year has changed his attitude toward many things and I'm OK with 99.9% of them......
200 | 52 -
Is He Cheating
After 3 years and $200,000 later we finally have a baby. Then it started my husband started going to strip clubs over 3
287 | 92 -
Who Gets To Sleep In
I work ten hour days four days a week. I also do schooling online. I wake up at 5:30am and...
151 | 27 -
New House Improvements
We are newlyweds and have just bought our first house. We are moving in next month and have been making...
163 | 58 -
A Different Person Around My Dad
My husband has become a different person from being around my dad. First off, my husband is the sweetest guy...
146 | 23 -
Breast Implants Are Not A Family Priority
My wife and I have been married for 4 years. We are both 28 years old. She has always wanted to get...
299 | 81 -
What Guy Doesn't Want A Girl To Get Fake Boobs?
I've always had a low self esteem because I have small breasts. I barely fill a small B cup and...
312 | 67 -
Jon Gosselin Is A Terrible Husband And Father
I used to make my husband watch Jon & Kate Plus 8 when it first started. He got as addicted as I...
182 | 54 -
Gambling On Our Marriage
We live close to the best place to gamble in the nation. Problem is my husband likes it too much....
195 | 34