All Sides
On Unwanted Butt-grabbing And Public Slapping
Dudu and I went to a very big (5000+ people) club party last night; I have a tendency to get hassled...
573 | 26 | Dating -
The Dreaded Smell Test (Part 2)!
How do you know when food has gone bad? According to my beloved, Penny, the best indication is the "sell...
465 | 23 | General -
Losing My Best Friend To His New Girlfriend
John is my best friend, we dated in the past for about 8 months on and off, but that was a...
578 | 13 | Friends -
My Partner Goes To The Pub All The Time!
I am a Swedish girl who has been dating an English guy for nearly 7 years. He is lovely in every...
678 | 20 | Dating -
Dirty Boy Needs To Clean Up His Act!
Ok, so this is kinda embarrassing, but here goes. My husband and I have different opinions about how much a...
621 | 35 | Dating -
Stuck In The Middle At Work!!
Ok, here goes: I started working on reception in an office a few months ago. I really enjoyed it to...
541 | 16 | Workplace/Co-workers -
Killing Me Softly (with Chocolate)
I have high cholesterol, no willpower, and a sweet tooth the dize of Cleveland. My wife knows this. And yet...
592 | 28 | Marriage -
Bloody Sheets
OK, so I love my husband dearly, but we happen to have different ideas when it comes to "needs" vs. "...
955 | 54 | Marriage -
Private School Is For Snobs!
Okay, I'm overstating the case. But my wife and I do have a donnybrook in the making: private versus public...
582 | 29 | Parenting -
Husband Looks At Teen Porn
My husband has long had an interest in online pornography. I'm not thrilled with this aspect of our relationship but
1,020 | 126 | Marriage -
Always In It For Himself
I think this may be a common problem amongst us women and the men in our lives. My guy is...
618 | 30 | Marriage -
She Wont Have A Relationship With A Pot Smoker
I have been seeing K for 3 months. I am by no means a big pot smoker. I have used marijuana...
945 | 87 | Dating -
Farting In Public
I know a nice girl called lisi. She is really cute and I like her a lot. However, each time...
674 | 24 | Dating -
Am I Supportive?
So after two kids in close succession my partner (who is a brilliant mother and home maker) has decided to...
711 | 33 | Marriage -
Refilling The Toilet Paper Roll
Whenever I refill the toilet paper roll in either of our bathrooms, I don't really pay attention to which direction...
816 | 41 | Marriage -
Should We Get Back Together?
My boyfriend and I had been dating for about a year and a half and although we had the typical...
754 | 38 | Dating -
To Pee Or Not To Pee? That Is The Question
I have a friend that pees in the shower. Ok or not ok? What if you are visiting someone else's...
1,048 | 34 | Friends -
My Daughter Is Jealous Of My Son
I have four children, the oldest is my daughter and then I have a son, who is three years younger....
710 | 24 | Parent/Child -
Switching Of The Household Chores Double Standard
My wife always complains I never do some of her chores for her. She wants me to clean the toilets,...
827 | 30 | Marriage -
Man Flu...
Three years ago I was seriously ill. I am now fine. I get a free flue jab every year that...
1,103 | 36 | Dating