Sidetaker In The Media

- Sidetaker website lets internet commenters solve relationship rows
- SideTaker: Crowdsourcing Your Private Disputes, With Hilarious Results
- Mediate your disputes without spending a penny
- Website of the Day: SideTaker | POPSUGAR Tech
- - Let the Nosey Resolve Relationship Disputes
- Internet review: Side Taker | Technology | The Guardian
- Sidetaker lets bickering couples submit disputes to court of public
- Internet review: Side Taker | Technology | The Guardian
- Arguing? Let Strangers Online Be the Judge - ABC News
- Will Solve Your Relationship's Biggest Arguments
- Sidetaker: Gettin' all up in your business | Glamour
- 4 Startups Show How Tech Brings Couples Together - TNW
- Can the internet answer every question? | The Independent
- SideTaker – take your arguments online | The Red Ferret Journal