Popular Sides
Big Girl In The Making
My girlfriend is gaining weight. It's an issue for me. I've busted my butt to maintain a good body for...
8,012 | 240 | Dating -
Never Flushes The Toilet (Not Lazy - Cheap)
My husband is constantly complaining about little things in our house that annoy him and he drives me nuts with...
6,228 | 178 | Marriage -
She Destroyed Me
I've never been so hurt at the ease Sarah had of literally dumping me because of a little prank. I've...
5,318 | 0 | Dating -
Along Came Polly - The Real Version
Katie and I aren't married, but we did take a romantic getaway vacation to the Bahamas in June. We were...
5,110 | 209 | Dating -
Summer Fling Turns Serious
I met a guy early this summer and we really hit it off. We both worked at a restaurant in...
5,103 | 117 | Dating -
Money! Money! Money! It's All He Cares About!
I like to shop and I think we both make enough money for us to be able to spend a...
3,917 | 133 | Marriage -
Running Into Ex With New Girlfriend
While at the mall, my girlfriend Katie and I ran into my ex. Keep in mind that we've not dated...
3,835 | 62 | Bitter Ex -
Never Offers To Cook, Clean, Or Shop
My hubby never lifts a finger in our house. He feels since he is the primary breadwinner he shouldn't have...
3,825 | 142 | Marriage -
What Happened To Chivalry?
When we dated and were engaged, David would open doors, pull out my chair at dinner, buy me random gifts,...
3,535 | 88 | Dating -
His Unemployed Ass Drives The Newer Car
My husband has been unemployed for quite a while and I work a full work week. He's always had the...
3,052 | 87 | Marriage -
What's Wrong With Me Buying A Gucci Purse?
I mentioned to my husband that I wanted to buy this one particular Gucci purse which is less than a...
2,862 | 176 | Money -
She Lost Weight Now Loves New Attention
She used to be a wallflower. She never wanted to be the center of attention. Now that's she's lost 40lbs...
2,692 | 63 | Marriage -
Baby Fever Issues
We aren't connecting on the baby front. My husband feels that we aren't in a position to have a baby...
2,470 | 95 | Marriage -
Bachelor Party Guy Trip Suspicions!
A few weeks ago, my husband went on an all guys trip for their last single friend's bachelor party. The...
2,460 | 73 | Marriage -
Flowers For Everything
We fight a lot and every time we do, he buys flowers and thinks that's all he should need to...
2,333 | 77 | Dating -
Nightclubbing Is Hurting Our Relationship
I'm a bartender (obviously) and I met Angel while I was working one night. She came in with 3 girlfriends and...
2,331 | 65 | Dating -
You Won't Find Us Interesting
Unlike the other stories, ours is pretty boring. I am a programmer. She is a librarian. My main problem is...
2,209 | 91 | Marriage -
Gas Or Pizza Hut?
We're hitting hard times right now with me being laid off and she's barely working. It's a struggle to make...
2,170 | 60 | Money -
Smoking Inside....
My boyfriend smokes, I do not. We are talking about getting married/living together. The subject came up that I...
1,984 | 282 | Dating -
Pop Vs. Soda
So Lisa and I were out at dinner the other night. The waiter comes around to take our drink order...
1,793 | 80 | General