Roommates Sides
My Roommate Refuses To Turn The Fans Off
My roommate always likes her fans on, but it is extremely cold outside. Our dorm has no A/C, but...
0 | 0 -
Fan Dispute
My roommate and I live in a dorm that has no air conditioning. She wants her fan on, like, all...
38 | 8 -
Roommate Window Argument
Okay so I am in college and my roommate and I share a room. She always wants the window open...
48 | 7 -
My Man Or Yours?
My roommate likes to roll around in the hay with strangers because it makes her feel wanted (temporarily, of course)...
26 | 19 -
Opening Windows In The Winter
I live with 4 other roommates and one of them insists on leaving the window open all day long in his...
196 | 34 -
Who Gets The Chair
I recently purchased a new three bedroom home. It is my first house. My boyfriend and I moved in together...
255 | 42 -
Eats My Food Without Asking
I dont really care that much if he eats small things like chips or whatever i mean we can share...
484 | 50 -
Roommate Debate
I've got a roommate named Warren. He's one of my closest friends. One of the many games we play is...
575 | 45 -
Her Dog Stinks Up The Apartment
We've been roommates for the better part of 2 years and Caitlin just got a dog about a month ago. She's...
617 | 52