Politics Sides
Forgiving Student Debt Will Cause The Next Civil War!
I hated Trump. Despised him. To see him go was so satisfying and yet now I'm completely being fleeced into...
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All Drugs Should Be Legal
I'm having a fight with a friend of mine about how we should legalize all drugs and let people handle...
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Honey Boo Boo Vs. Presidential Debate
I'm here to complain about my wife. She basically chooses to watch any show that's on TLC instead of watching
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I Will Still Go To Chic-fil-a
My wife is extremely sensitive about gay people. She think's it's unfair how they're treated. I don't see them
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JCPenney Throwing Gay In Everyone's Faces
JCPennGay is my new target. To actually use the ridiculousness of homosexuality to push your wares. Sickening. This
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Hey America, Learn To Concede And Save The Nation
A fair weather fan is a fan of a sports team who only shows support when the team is doing...
8 | 6 -
To Obama Or Not To Obama...On Economic Policy
Side 1 is for the people who believe the plan laid out by Obama on economic stimulus will work. Discussion will...
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