Parent/Child Sides
10 Things To Teach Children About Failure
Parents want their kids to excel in all they do. But they fail to remember that failure precedes achievement. In...
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10 Things To Teach Children About Failure
Parents want their kids to excel in all they do. But they fail to remember that failure precedes achievement. In...
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10 Things To Teach Children About Failure
Parents want their kids to excel in all they do. But they fail to remember that failure precedes achievement. In...
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Messy Apartment Dispute
I got married 7 years ago and live in my wife's apartment. I kept my old apartment and use it as...
28 | 9 -
My Mother Does Not Approve Of My Relationship
I've been with my boyfriend for over two years ( long distance) , he is 20 and I am 18. Two years ago, around...
39 | 10 -
Dating My Son's Old High School Classmate
My son is upset that I've begun dating a guy he went to school with years ago. To begin, I...
34 | 30 -
18 And Don't Want To Get Married
My parents are pushing me into marrying my boyfriend. I'm 18 and too young to get married. I am pregnant to...
34 | 18 -
Football Games Unsupervised
"Due to the lack of supervision and the nefarious activities synonomous with these football games, gives me reason to be
127 | 25 -
Telephone After 9pm
We have a rule in our house that pertains to phone usage. We do not make or accept calls after 9...
264 | 83 -
Unhappy Mothers Day....please Read Give Me Advice
Hello,mother's day went out for breakfast with my daughter and boyfriend father of my daugther, then to wal-mart to
105 | 63 -
Saving Daughter From Idiotic Marriage Idea
My youngest daughter (18) fell for this real schlub of a guy at her job in Pizza Hut. She's going to...
187 | 68 -
He Never Wakes Up To Feed The Baby - I'm Tired!
My husband never wakes up to take a turn feeding our baby girl. He's a great Dad other than snoozing...
139 | 26 -
Right To Be A Vegetarian!
I am 15, and I have a right to choose whether or not to be a vegetarian. My dad disagrees, and...
333 | 61 -
My Wife Cannot Stop Buying
My youngest son is so spoiled by my wife Rebecca. We only have a small house and it is cluttered...
560 | 62 -
Bleeding Love (Leona Lewis) = My Life :(
Just like the song goes, my parents are completely against me dating Jason. He has tattoos, a few piercings, and...
583 | 65 -
My Dad Won't Let Me Date A Black Guy
I really don't understand why my parents can't see the world we live in today. It's changed and interracial dating...
1,147 | 186 -
Soccer Vs. Youth Group
My son's soccer coach just added a practice for this weekend. It conflicts with a previously scheduled band practice and
446 | 29 -
My Daughter Is Jealous Of My Son
I have four children, the oldest is my daughter and then I have a son, who is three years younger....
710 | 24