Marriage Sides
Husband Caught Watching "stepdaughter Porn"
I was aware of my husband watching porn, that was never really an issue as long as i beleived it...
11 | 5 -
In Hot Water Over A Coffee Order
My folks text from a coffee shop, offering to bring us something. He says, "Order me a mocha or a...
62 | 22 -
My Husband Invites Strangers To Our Home
My husband hosts a podcast from our basement, and he'll occasionally invite local "celebrities" to interview them. i'm
62 | 11 -
If He Strays I Won't Stay
I have no sex drive anymore. It almost makes me sick to have sex anymore and I don't know why....
73 | 34 -
No Sex Here
I am living in a sexless marriage. My wife is no longer attracted to me apparently because she finds better...
107 | 53 -
Every Single Time!
My husband laughs at me no matter what I do. I yell at him and he laughs. I cry and...
63 | 14 -
The Case For Having A Family
We're in our mid 20s and we haven't had our lives turn out the way we hoped when we got...
39 | 13 -
Where To Spend Thanksgiving Is The Issue
We never had the problem before because his family has always been too far to go for such a short...
34 | 8 -
Ever Been Told You're An Idiot?
My husband has been increasingly violent tempered recently. He's been under pressure at work but then he comes home and
36 | 12 -
Quitting Job To Start A Business
I've always wanted to open a restaurant. I love to cook and the recipes I've created taste pretty exceptional according
24 | 42 -
Showing People My Bad Photos
My husband always shows all our guests the most embarrassing pictures because he thinks it is so funny. It devastates
37 | 18 -
Need A Deodorant Changing Hubby
I just discovered this site and it was perfect timing because I just got into a fight with my husband...
24 | 25 -
Homemade Bidet Thing Isn't Funny Anymore
My husband is obsessive with being clean and every single time he goes to the bathroom he has to shower...
18 | 5 -
Too Much Drama And Control?
As the husband, I get out of the house maybe 3 times a month. 1 poke night a month and I might...
25 | 17 -
Nagging Over Sunblock
I have never really had sunburn. I get red but I never peel. And I've lived on this earth for 37...
23 | 12 -
Squeaky Doors In The House
There's things guys shouldn't have to do but there's also things they should. Fixing squeaks on doors is one of...
23 | 16 -
Need For Friends Over Family
We've struggled with this a long time and now it's bubbling to the surface. I can't get any good answers...
29 | 16 -
He Stinks And It Makes Me Sick
When I was pregnant with my first child right after we got married . My husband scent was so bad it...
20 | 15 -
We Are Not Irish!
All this big build up for this weekend and my man thinks he needs to celebrate it the entire weekend!...
23 | 0 -
Married & Now Find Out About A Prostitute
We've been married 6 years. We met up with my husband's friend and his wife for dinner on Friday. This is...
35 | 34