Roommates Questions
- If you find a stray or loose hair on your clothes, is it ok to pull the hair off and drop it on the floor? 2 | asked 9 years ago
- I would like my boyfriend to move in with me and my married friends But my friends don't agree. Is this fair? 4 | asked 10 years ago
- What should i do about my roommate/friend and everything else?! am I wrong?! 2 | asked 11 years ago
- Confused about this relation 3 | asked 13 years ago
- My boyfriend was coming to visit this weekend but my roommate reneged on her promise to be gone... 0 | asked 13 years ago
- my boyfriend dad behave like a bitch also he races he dont like black people is that rite 6 | asked 14 years ago
- i dont know whether to stay at the flat or move out 8 | asked 14 years ago
- My boyfriend's housemate is inconsiderate and rude, should I be allowed to stand up for myself? 11 | asked 15 years ago
- I dont feel comfortable with this. 13 | asked 15 years ago
- Am I overreacting? My flat mate is driving me bonkers! 0 | asked 15 years ago
- i hav devlopd a strange liking for my ex roommate ...yeah we had indulged in few sexual activities 0 | asked 15 years ago
- Is this a fair deal? 16 | asked 15 years ago
- Hello. I sell Avon. Ok. One of my roomates wants to order avon from me and she is known for not paying her deb 6 | asked 15 years ago
- I cheated on my boyfriend with my ex what should I do? 12 | asked 15 years ago
- My roommate, or people my roommate's friends are stealing things. 16 | asked 15 years ago
- My roommate is stealing from me. How do I get proof enough to blackmail her into leaving on her own? 18 | asked 15 years ago
- My roommate is stealing from me. How do I get proof enough to blackmail her into leaving on her own? 0 | asked 15 years ago
- My roommate is stealing from me. How do I kick her out? 0 | asked 15 years ago
- My roommate is stealing from me. How do I get proof enough to blackmail her into leaving on her own? 0 | asked 15 years ago
- Should my roommate pay full rent? 0 | asked 15 years ago View More