My girlfriend went to foreing country to study,and she is not putting cable internet to talk to me!

My girlfriend went to foreing country to study and is not putting cable internet to talk to me! She is still using the wirrelss connection to talk to me! I told her one hundred times to change her wirrless connection to cable internet connection , so we can have a normal conversation over skype! The problem is that the wirelss connvetion always break up, and we can not have a normal conversation with her! On the hand,
my girlfiend is saying that I have to wait till she adjust in the new country. She is telling that when she adjust, after a few weeks aproxamtly, she will have more time, and she will change to cable connection, so we can speak better
between each other! However , I am very upset that she is not doing what I beg her for, and that she is doing what she wants only! This is just a case of our relationship! Do you think that I am right to be angry of her or not!
By Vd_01 15 years ago :: Dating
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