How do I deal with a new daughter-in-law that is angry with me? I am very close with my son and am concerned.

Up until recently my furture daughter in law and I were close. Two mnths ago the wedding invitations went out and my name was not acknowledged as the mother of the grom. As I have raised my son as a single mom since he was 5years old, he and I are very close and my name not on the invite hurt me deeply, even to my surprise how much this upset me. I took it very personal and expressed that to my son and eventually her and her parents. Since then nothing has been the same between her and I. She has blamed me for upsetting her and her family before her wedding, and has told me she is very hurt and needs some time to forgive me. The wedding was just this weekend and she spoke to me when needed, took pictures with me and such, but beyond that has turned her back on me and walked away when ever she could. I am soo hurt, sad and concerned about how this will affect me life with my son. Please help with an answer on what to do. How do I handle this?
By sleepless 16 years ago :: Parenting
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