Channel Flipper

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Side 1 says... Every time my lady friend and I sit down to watch some TV she insists on constantly flipping through channels because she 'just wants to see what else is on.'

We end up watching small bits of about 3 or 4 shows instead of actually watching one. I don't mind if she flips channels during commercials but beyond that it's quite aggravating.
Added by Mr_Right (male)
Side 2 says... Yes, it's true that I do, on occasion, turn the channel to 'see what else is on'. I try to limit such channel flipping session to commercial breaks.

Is it so wrong to not want to watch commercials? I'm just trying to maximize my tv watching time, since we barely ever watch tv anymore anyway. I'd rather watch 5 minutes of a Family Guy rerun than a commercial for laundry detergent. We have a guide on the tv, so I always make informed decisions before I flip - I'm not a random flipper. I see what's on, and flip to that channel only if there is something good on. I'm just completely uninterested in being subjected to commercials.

I think my gentleman friend tends to get bent out of shape mainly when I don't make it back to the original show in time. This is fair - I just have to work on getting back to the original show a bit quicker.
Added by Puff (female)
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