So Cats Are Pretty Much The Greatest :D

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Side 1 says... Ok, So i am the proud owner of 3 wonderful cats. i love cats, they're my love, they're my friends [no i am not a crazy cat lady haha]. However, My boyfriend does not like cats. He thinks they're lame [except for my kitty moe, he's cool]. He owns 2 cats and 3 dogs. I think cats are awesome. He doesnt. Who is right?
Added by Nicolossity (female)
Side 2 says... Oh no no no. Cats are not pretty much the greatest- They are, however, the absolute worst. They are annoying and needy. They scratch you and they poop in your house. They meow until you DIE and they're not your friends. To them, we are just slaves that feed them.
I think cats suck ;D

Now I do have two cats in my house but, one is not mine and the other was given to me in an attempt to make me feel better after my dog died. Although, I do like Tabby =] She's like a puppy haha.

Anyhoo to close this up, how can an animal that does so many negative things around your home be the greatest? That's my side.
Added by BuddyMcSeefus (male)
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