He's Too Mature For Me?

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Side 1 says... My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years. He's 23 and I'm 20. Anyway, he's been working as a teacher and I'm still in college. When he was a senior and I was a freshman it was great. We had so much fun together. Even after he graduated he would come see me once during the week and Friday night to Sunday afternoon.

Last weekend he came and was distant. He wasn't acting the way he usually does. He didn't seem happy to see me. Before he left he told me that he felt he was outgrowing our relationship and he doesn't like the college scene. He thinks just because he's got a job he's too mature to be seen with me and my friends. He wants me instead to go see him and just do dinner and a movie and sit around his apartment...away from the school and bars.

I think I should be embracing these years and have a blast. He told me he won't be coming down anymore on the phone yesterday and that if I wanted to see him I'd have to visit. I just think it's selfish of him to go complete opposite on me and expect me to be OK with HIS wishes. I think we should alternate and think just because he got a job doesn't mean he still can't have fun with college kids. I love him but this is hurting our relationship.
Added by suckerfish (female)
Side 2 says... Well, she is right. I am tired of the college scene. But she's wrong to think I don't want to have fun anymore. I'm not into getting sloppy drunk playing beer pong and flip cup. If she wants to go out to a more upscale nightclub with me I'm all for it. I'm just tired of watching people fall all over and vomiting.

I never said I won't come and visit. I just don't want to go out and drink like that. If you want to hang out, go shopping, grab food, and stuff like that, I would definitely come there. But if you want to go to a frat party and put me in the position to have drunken frat guys try to start a fight with me and put my job on the line - NO! It's really up to you what you want.
Added by callmeteacher (male)
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