Girlfriend Forcing Organic Food On Me

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Side 1 says... So my girlfriend moved into my apartment and she did all the ordering of food. I came home to find all organic whole wheat pasta, buckwheat pancake mix, organic hotdogs, organic mac and cheese. I just want like one or two like normal food. Like an oscar meyer hotdog! Is that too much to ask?
Added by travish (male)
Side 2 says... I love by bf and I want him to live a long & happy life. I do all of the research myself, buy the right products, etc to make it effortless for him to be healthier. I handle our laundry and switched to cleaners that don't use PERC. I buy non-toxic cleaning products. Feed him vitamins, give him natural remedies when he's sick, etc, etc. He loves food that's bad for him (hotdogs, bacon, chicken nuggets, pizza, pasta, white bread) So my latest venture has been to swap out his usual faves with healthier (but still tasty) options. Those of you who are familiar with Annie's, Amy's Kitchen, Applegate farms, Morningstar & Boca know there are great alternatives out there these days. Even before he tried a bite of anything, he flipped out when he saw the "organic" and "whole wheat" tags everywhere. He even went as far as to say he "hated wheat" :) He was annoyed because he wanted the "normal" food that he knew & he grew up with. Is it too much to ask that he at least try this stuff with a more open mind? Admittedly, we all grew up with kraft and oscar meyer and preservatives. But I just want to do better for our potential future kids...
Added by angelina (female)
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