Who Broke The Bet?

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Side 1 says... My girlfriend and I have a bet going right now. She has to give up aspartame for a month while I have to give up meat. Whoever caves in first loses. If I win, it's the sexual fantasy of my choice. If she wins, I'm footing the bill for an expensive new pair of shoes.

The other day we BOTH broke the bet. I was out at a steakhouse for dinner and accidentally ate bacon bits in my baked potato. She accidentally drank aspartame in a Vodka Red Bull that a friend of our made and I passed to her. Neither she nor I realized that it was made with Diet Red Bull.

I'm arguing that neither or us broke the bet as both 'slips' were unintentional. Or, if one of us broke the bet then we both it. She's arguing that I was the only one who broke the bet. Yeah right. The bet should go on!
Added by Big_Shmoo (male)
Side 2 says... We made a bet that required that I consume NO fake sugars and he has NO meat products (even including gravy, etc) until October 31st.

While out with friends for dinner, he confessed that he didn't pay attention that the loaded baked potato had real bacon bits on it. When he realized that there were in fact pieces of meat on the side dish he said that he scraped most of them off before eating the rest of the potato.

As a vegetarian of 12 years, I can honestly say that I have never made he mistake of eating bacon bits. It is common knowledge that most loaded baked potatoes contain some meat. He knew this and ordered it anyway! By scraping -some- meat off, it doesn't make you a semi-vegetarian, it makes you a full bet-loser!

I would like to bring to your attention that his argument regarding my accidental consumption of the fake-sugar drink is flawed. He drank some first, said that it tasted like medicine and held it to my lips and said, "try it - you will see what I mean".

As an interested and involved girlfriend, I tried a sip and exclaimed, "Oh no - it tastes like that because it has fake-sugar in it'!

There are two FUNDAMENTAL differences in the arguments. He ate meat without making a concerted effort to avoid consuming all meat products. I on the other hand, innocently accepted a sip of a mixed drink that was offered to me by my boyfriend, the bet-maker. I trusted him to ensure that it was safe to drink.

I would never sink so low as to feed him something that -could- contain meat and then insist that he broke the bet by consuming it!
Added by Little_Shmoo (female)
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