In Our Restaurant, Kid's Aren't On The Menu

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Side 1 says... So my boyfriend of 7 years finally admits he doesn't want kids. He says we waited too long and now we are too old and having kids will not allow us to have the kind of life we want (traveling) in the future.

This is a bombshell. We are 29. I would have thought we'd be married within a year or two and maybe a kid two years after so I don't think 33 is too old to start having babies.

The thing is he's always said he's wanted kids. Then up until a year ago he started shrugging it off. I even thought about trapping him once but couldn't bring my self to stop the pills. Being a mom is something i have always wanted but I've put so much time in with him. I just think he needs to realize his life wouldn't be over if he had a baby. It would be better than any trip he would take and he needs to be convinced of that. Please tell him we're not too old!
Added by bigrollin (female)
Side 2 says... I want kids but I'm being resonable. She's not considering money which you need to have kids and we have none. By the time we could we would be much older than 33. I can't afford a ring right now let alone a baby. So, I can want in one hand and sh*t in the other and see which one fills faster.

She's got baby fever since all her friends are having them. Not everyone is meant to have kids. But she is right on one thing. If we ever have some kind of money which woudn't be til well into our 40s, I would like to travel and have fun without ties since I've never had any yet. I do think mid-40s is too old to have kids.
Added by nanana3 (male)
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