My Boyfriend Drinks Too Much And Acts Like A Fool.

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Side 1 says... My boyfriend drinks way too much, when he gets drunk. He only gets drunk about once a month, but he turns into a completely different person. I'm all for people being able to unwind and have fun but he takes it above and beyond.
The last 2 times he got drunk he admitted he had a problem and promised to stop but he was just lying because it's only a month later and it's like he forgot how much he has hurt me. I cannot stay with him if this continues.
When he was out drinking with his buddies he got so drunk that he ate banana out of a naked strippers vagina.
He ruined my birthday party but being so drunk by 8;00 pm that he was rolling around in the dirt with the dogs with a stick in his mouth and then naked and throwing up. I had to spend my birthday taking care of him and he was being really mean to me and saying hurtful things. Lots of my friends and family were there and I felt relaly embarassed; He promised no more drinking after this but the next weekend he got hammered.

We went out for Halloween with friends the night before our one year anniversary and we said we wouldn't get too drunk, so that we could enjoy our $200 a night hotel we booked for the next day. |He got so drunk he couldn't stop throwing up on Halloween. He was so hungover the next day that he threw up all over himself and his car on the drive to our hotel. He was soo tired and no fun. He ruined out anniversary. He cried and begged me to forgive him and promised to change but now it's only a month later and he wants to get hammered on New Years. He had promised me no more drinking for at least a year because he has a problem and turns into a complete ass but now he wants to drink again.

I say -it's me or the alcohol. Am I being unreasonable?
Added by Stereo (female)
Side 2 says... I have to agree with pretty much all the points my girlfriend has borught up. There really wasn't any exageration on her part.

My side of wanting to drink on new years... I know I've done a lot of terrible and stupid things. I've promised not to drink, and understand why she is so upset but I still want to drink and party on New years.

I've always seen New Years as the biggest party and usually most fun party of the year. One of my friend's who is currently living in another city may be coming home for New Years, another reason why I would like to celebrate. I don't have the oppertunity to see my friend's very often since I work so much and go to University so New Years is an oppertunity to see everyone in one place.

I will admit I do have a drinking problem. Its not that I crave and need alcohol, its that when I do drink, I pretty much drink until I get sick or pass out. I don't drink and drive, and if I am planning on driving I don't have more than two drinks.
Added by danny (male)
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