Deathly Sick And He's Out With Friends

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Side 1 says... I have a flu that's going around. I've been sick for the past 3 days and we had planned on going out with friends that were in town last night (and only last night).

Instead of staying home with me, my boyfriend decides to go meet them without me. I would think he would want to stay and take care of me. Plus now he risks the chance of them getting sick since he's been exposed to my flu bug.

They are coming back into town next month and he could have just waited til then. They are his friends but I think it shows a lack of respect or caring on his part. Personally, I would have stayed with him if the roles were reversed. What do you think?
Added by sunshine1 (female)
Side 2 says... Well, the reason I went is because I have been taking care of her for the past 3 days, they are my friends, and they asked me to come out anyway. I understand you were sick but me missing out on my friends that I don't see all that often to stay home while you sleep?

It was their choice for me to come because I told them you were sick and I was probably contagious. They didn't care. Why do you?

Look, I love you and you know that. I blame this on you being needy and wanting to be pampered while you're sick. Just be thankful you had someone there for 3 3/4 days while you were in the worst stages and not for the hour I wasn't there before you went to bed after I left.
Added by sillyme (female)
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