Shouldn't He Still Be Paying?

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Side 1 says... We have just gone on our 5th date. This past date and the one before it he was jokingly (but I think he was serious) saying that just once he'd like to meet a girl that would offer to pick up the bill.

I'm old school. I think the guy should be paying for the dates. It's called courting. I don't think the woman should have to do anything until we're in a committed relationship...and even then it should be limited until marriage.
Added by pocobo (female)
Side 2 says... I'm not really loaded, ya know. We're still in college and the money I make in my work study doesn't really give me all that much to take you out with. Your dad gives you $1,000.00 a month which is a lot more than I make.

I've only got to second base with you. I'm not looking to push it but geez man if you're expecting so much from me maybe I should be expecting a little more from you. I'm just saying think about it. If you're looking for someone to wine and dine you, you should be considering someone who has already graduated and is making a decent salary. I don't want that but if you can't accept a two way street here, then I don't know what to say.

And I don't know what you expect the people on this site to say. I assume most would agree with me.
Added by notloadedhere (male)
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