Ex-Lover Bought Me Underwear!

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Side 1 says... So, I am madly in love with my girlfriend "M". She knows I love her very much, I would never cheat, etc.

Recently, an ex-lover of mine named "S" bought me some really nice beige and coffee colored American Apparel underwear for my birthday. She didn't do it as a power play, to flirt, etc. In fact, she has been married for over a year to my best friend. She originally bought the same underwear for him and he looked soooooo hot in it that she wanted to help me be hot for my girlfriend. We are cool like that. S, her husband and me were hippies and lived together for a while and we became really open talking about sex, relationships or issues etc. She has pure intentions.

M doesn't like this. It makes her feel uncomfortable that I am wearing underwear my x-lover bought me. I understand and I am open to getting rid of them, but ... I don't know. It doesn't feel right ...
Added by mygirlisdabomb (male)
Side 2 says... This isn't about a power play from the ex-lover. I am not jealous nor threatened by their past relationship. I trust and love my boyfriend completely, and I support his friendship with "S" and her husband.

As a woman, these are my universal truths:

1) I will never buy Crocs.
2) I will always keep my high school jeans around in the fortunate scenerio that one day I might fit into them again.
3) Sienna Miller is a homewrecking whore.
4) I will never buy another woman's man intimate apparel.

Re: No. 4: Regardless of whether it's from an ex, an aunt or his mom, the fact doesn't change that it's still CREEPY to learn that some other woman bought your man sexy underwear. The creepiness factor only increases when you discover that it came from a former lover. They've seen each other naked and for me, that will be the only thing I'm thinking about if he parades around in them. Not how sexy he looks in them, not how "S's" husband looks in them. I can decide for myself what my boyfriend looks sexy in, thank you very much.

This situation makes me uncomfortable, plain and simple. Want to get him a gift for his birthday? How about something more appropriate, like a T-shirt or a gift card.
Added by alleycat77 (female)
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