my maried life husband is selfish in the bed i hv told me i want more intimacy love.
married for 8 yrs...after lots of adjustment ,husband doesnt satisfy me physically, mentaly, emotionally, socialy , spritually ...there i s no connection anywher at all ...he has abussed me physicaly, emotionaly,,,mentaly, i cry bitterly each time ,,,,he never consoles me he wont do again...he does it again...hes never there for my daughter s pt m , sports day, any activity,,,yesterday i confronted him ...asked him if he loves me or not....he said i am imagining things ..that i should start my mind is occupied...i think he is having a affair..he has always one sexcuse of work for his absence always...he left us home to go to new year party....dispite telling him to be with us....i find myself making effor t to save this marriage for my daughters sake ...but he not bothered to try to be with family.....i am good looking is he..what does he think i dont want to beg him to give me love...why should i put up with such a guy ...shouldnt i leave him......