Ignored During Dinner

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Side 2
Side 1 says... I was having a very busy and BAD day. Loads of artwork to get out, lots of clients calling and screaming. Been a long week. Tired.
We were going out that evening for dinner with friends. I thought that I might have to work late so wasn't sure whether to go home and meet the mrs or just meet everyone there.
She called and was very excited it was the weekend. Looking forward to dinner. All happy and singing etc. I had a million things going on and people talking at me every which way.
She then said to me that I was just full of the weekend spirit and a real joy to talk to. I said sorry babe, just trying to get everything done.
Her voice changed, she got all huffy. I said call me when you are passing my office and I will either come with you or let you know whether I'm gonna be staying late.
I wasn't the happiest of person but I didn't think I was angry sounding or rude. Thats just my opinion.
I then called and texted as didn't hear from her in and hour. Called again. Texted again. Nothing. Got a text saying that she was in cab and on way and see me there. I said, ok, thank god this day is over, I will walk over, wait for me in the lobby.
Didn't hear anything back. Eventually walked over there. Waited in the lobby. Waited. Texted and said if she was close. I got a text back saying she was in the bar with everyone else as agreed.
I went in and said hey. She looked pissed off. I asked why she didn't wait for me as been standing in lobby for about 10 mins. She said why didn't I just come in. With a tone in her voice. I said whats wrong? Why are you being like this? She said I had pissed her off earlier on the phone. I said sorry, i didn't realise. She just looked at me and then turned away and didn't speak to me the rest of the evening. Sat at the opposite end of the dinner table. Didn't speak in the car. Didn't speak on the way into the house.
Went straight to bed. Turned the light off. I said I thought her new dress looked pretty. She said thank you and went to sleep.
Next day, awkward conversation and silence but nothing was said. Eventually it was as if it never happened.
Added by rb_dxb (male)
Side 2 says... It had been a long week at work. Working late etc.
Driving home rang him to chat and general merriment that the week was over and that we were going out to dinner.
He wasn't listening to what I was saying. Kept talking to other people in his office. If he was busy just call me back later. He was in a bad mood and really negative about everything.
I went home to shower and change. Said I would meet him there. Picked up a friend that lives in the same building and got taxi to the hotel. Got lost on the way. Texted him to say we were on our way to meet us there.
Went in and met everyone and was chatting to people. Had a text saying he was waiting in the lobby. I said we were inside already.
He came in with a grumpy look on and said why didn't wait for him outside. I didn't want to listen to anymore moaning and he had ignored me earlier so I wasn't happy with him and just wanted to chat to my friends. I said that he had annoyed me earlier. He said thats not fair and moaned some more. Just wasn't interested when we were out with people.
I didn't talk to him that evening coz it would have lead to me shouting and saying something I might regret later.
He then said nothing to me for the rest of the evening and we eventually made pleasant conversation the next day. He seemed to be over it.
Added by LJDXB (female)
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