All About Him And His Toilet Seat

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Side 1 says... Living with someone you're always gonna have to get past some of their idiosyncrasies. You would think after 11 years of marriage along with telling him on at least a weekly basis he would listen and avoid one of my biggest pet peeves about him - the friggin toilet!

No matter what my husband will miss the bowl somewhere. It may be a little. It may be a lot. But he NEVER cleans it off with toilet paper. He leaves it to dry up, turn brown, and look disgusting.

Maybe I wouldn't notice so much (except when I clean) if he would have the common decency to put the seat down like a gentleman. But no, since he gets up for work before me he is always in the bathroom and that is the first thing I wake up to.

I know the other ladies feel me on this one. Is it so much to ask for this one little request. I don't ask much but I'm just tired of it.
Added by Roundr (female)
Side 2 says... I clean the toilet most of the time. Usually when this happens I am half asleep and not paying attention.

Yeah I always slip on leaving the toilet seat up but I don't see it as that big a deal. Why is it the guy's job to cater to the women on this? I'm not saying I don't cater to women (my wife would back me up on this), but this is one issue that gets to me.

Just remember, I don't mention you cluttering the sink by leaving all your hair curlers out when you leave and I'm forced to put them away to shave. But I'm sorry anyway. I'll try to remember the toilet seat.
Added by Colting88 (male)
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