Jon Gosselin Is A Terrible Husband And Father

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Side 1 says... I used to make my husband watch Jon & Kate Plus 8 when it first started. He got as addicted as I did eventually. Now, we argue about the show because he thinks Kate is the problem in their relationship. Guys siding with guys I guess.

Basically, I think Jon needs to step up and be a man. He doesn't do anything. He doesn't earn and didn't earn (show money doesn't count). Now he parties all day everyday with that little drunk girl.

When he does see the kids he's always got other people over like that bartender. Why can't he do it himself? He had to before the show.

Aside from his behavior, he has gotten fat, losing his hair, and trying to fit in or look young with the God-awful clothes he wears. Kate has done the complete opposite. She looks amazing, she's lost the weight, he hair looks great, she's dressing like a professional. She's got it and should be moving up.

Kate is the only one caring about these kids. She is the one home with them. She feeds them. And from the looks of it, she will be doing it after the show ends to because Jon has no chance of getting any type of good job.

Tell me I'm wrong about this loser!
Added by soapqueen (female)
Side 2 says... So she thinks Kate is the greatest thing since sliced bread. My wife has blinders on to the world if she really buys into this. I think she may still believe Santa Claus is real too.

But seriously, she actually didn't speak to me for a few hours because I am siding with Jon on their divorce. WTF? I think Kate is a huge b*tch and I don't see how anybody sees differently. She is so full of herself she believes her own hype. Watched the clips from the View today and she greeted the other hosts like she was the queen of frickin' England. She disgusts me.

Jon has done some things that I don't agree with...DURING HIS FREEDOM AND SEPARATION! He wasn't doing anything during their marriage. HE WASN'T allowed! She was off with the bodyguard leaving Jon to build her so-called brand. If tramp is a brand, then I say she's doing a good job. She doesn't care about those kids either. Nobody jetsetting that much to do stupid interviews for your --cough-- brand leaving their kids home cares for them

I just can't believe I actually watch this show but I can't believe that my wife is so into their bullsh*t that she'll pick a fight with me about it! So, I only do this cos I want to know between Jon and Kate, who caused all the problems.

Oh, and Kate really is nuts to think she will get any type of audience for her own show if she gets one. Cancelled before the second one airs!
Added by progolfer (male)
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