New House Improvements

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Side 1 says... We are newlyweds and have just bought our first house. We are moving in next month and have been making a list of home improvements. The whole house is hardwood floors that really need to be sanded and polished. While making the list I said that it would be more important to do the floors before we move in then it would be to buy 2 new flat screen tvs ( we have to have new tvs because ours are the big bulky version that won't fit in the spaces at the new house). I said we should do the floors that way we can have them done before we move in and it will add value to the house.
Added by sach (female)
Side 2 says... My argument for buying tv's is that our 2 tv's now are extremely old and need to be replaced. I have made sacrifices for other things, but I feel in a new house, it's time to get a new tv. I think getting the floors cleaned would be nice, but the majority of the house will be covered with rugs, therefore how important is that they are cleaned? I have long wanted a HDTV and now would be the perfect time to get one.
Added by sach2 (male)
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