Sandals In Public

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Side 1 says... My husband of just over a year has changed his attitude toward many things and I'm OK with 99.9% of them...however, we cannot come to an even close half-way point on the following issue: Why won't he wear sandals in public like he used to? When we were dating (for over 3 years), he and I would shoe shop together, helping each other pick out cool shoes (mostly for him) and sexy shoes (mostly for me). I even purchased sandals for him as a gift and he wore them all the time, even though he did admit they did have a slight feminine hint to them.

Now, it's like pulling teeth to get him to even pull a pair of sandals out of the closet. He's been relying on the battle cry of "they make me look gay" "sandals are for women"... He does, however wear sandals around the house occasionally, and when I comment on how sexy I think he looks in them, he seems to get scared right out of them.

I can't figure him out on this one.

Added by Jenny22 (female)
Side 2 says... I love Jen to death. It's true that I did wear sandals quite often when we were dating, and yes, we did shoe shop together. I guess I wore sandals to make her happy, to the point of letting her take me to stores to try on numerous styles. In reality, it was somewhat embarrassing for me, but love makes one do strange things and behave in ways we normally wouldn't.

Sandals always seemed (and still do) to be footwear for women. Everywhere I look, no matter the season, women can be found wearing sandals. Guys don't have the luxury(?) of such folly when it comes to footwear.

I don't believe that this is such an area of contention, but it is. I don't feel comfortable wearing sandals in public, especially when I may be seen by friends or co-workers.
Added by 2000ram (male)
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