Stuck In The 50s & Dinner At 6

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Side 1 says... He grew up there and he's stayed there while everyone else has moved on . He still believes in a lot of things like blacks and whites should have separate schools, gay people are disgusting, and kids should be disciplined with spankings.

That's not what this argument is about though. It's about his dinner at 6 o'clock. He wants me to cook it everyday. He refuses any type of restaurant food unless it's his place which is a local dive but he loves the food. He's not aggressive at all but his bark is worse than his bite. I work part time so he thinks I can just have it ready for him every single day like nothing ever comes up otherwise. I just want him to see that other things like our kids baseball games come up or I have to take them to practice and I only get 10 minutes before he gets home to cook a hot meal? Seriously? I want him to show compassion and realize it is no longer the housewife days from the 50s anymore. We've all grown up into this century. It's about time he does too.
Added by 90percenthappy (female)
Side 2 says... I get irritated when we argue about things like this because she's already in her first few lines says I'm a bigot trying to draw sympathy from you. I may believe in them somewhat because I see both sides of the fence and I saw a better economy and a better lifestyle back in those days. But it's not killing me it's changed. It's not for me but I didn't say anyone else could do it.

It always gets me when she starts about how unfair her life is and how I like dinner when I get home and I do. I work concrete construction and there's a lot of labor. I'm hungry when I get home and I'm on a schedule. It can be very rough when I get off the eating schedule since I do work between 10 and 11 hours a day. She works 5 hours 3 days a week. Kids until summer are in school all day. What does she do with all that free time? Tell me.

Nothing is better than a homecooked meal. I like to sit down as a family and eat. It's one of the few times I get to see my kids during the day and actually find out what's going on in their lives.

I may have some beliefs that this world has lost but I still believe in family and in a marriage I expect my wife to do her part. Believe me, I would be happy to switch roles and only work 15 hours a week. She would get the best dinners I could cook if she worked my hours to allow me to sit home most of the time.
Added by workingman (male)
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